Quick Contact


Carnival Committee:
Weekend of Event: 218-780-6144
Email: info@hoytlakescarnival.com

Committee Members

President Dan Darbo 218-780-4834 or Emai
Vice President Nikki Swanson 218-393-2185 or Email
Secretary Cherie Grams 218-225-2654
Treasurer Connor Michels 218-996-1143
Brad Carlson 218-780-7248

Vice President Nikki Swanson

Other Contacts:

Parade Shannon Alaspa – Parade Chair 218-290-2495 or Email
Softball Brad Carlson




Miss Hoyt Lakes Kristen Larson


Golf Tournament Dan Darbo 218-780-4834
Bean Bags Brad Carlson 218-780-7248
Website Updates Luke Nikunen Email
Turtle Races Rachel Benda 218-750-3014
Little Miss Hoyt Lakes Chloe Benson 1-218-750-2258

Water Carnival Duties

If you have any questions regarding specifics please contact the correct committee member and they will help you or put you in contact with the person who can.

Brad – Advertising, bartending and wrist band sales schedules, bands, entertainment including kids games and holey boards.

Cherie – Bands, bid letters related to beer, ice, etc., insurance, fundraisers (date, place, time), volleyball, and the vendors.

Connor – Insurance and vendors.

Dan – Fireworks, and picnic.

Brad – Bands, turtle races, and pictures.

Nikki – Advertising, clean-up and security, parade, and Miss Hoyt Lakes.

Dan – Picnic, posters, softball, and sponsor letters.